
Friday, January 1, 2010

100th Post and New Year Giveaway

To celebrate my 100th Post and the fact that it is New Year's Day, I am having a giveaway to celebrate my two favorite hobbies: Reading and Quilting!

Reading "The Bachelor's Puzzle" by Judith Pella was what inspired me to try my hand at quilting. I have sewn since I was 12 years old but I had never tried to make a quilt. It seemed too hard and impossible.

I read this book and loved it! At the back was a pattern for the "Bachelor's Puzzle" quilt block. The day after I finished the book, I headed for the local fabric shop and had a blast picking out the "ingredients" that I would need to make a single block.

I hand-pieced the block and then hand-quilted it and put the binding on. I was hooked! It started there and hasn't stopped since!

So in honor of my inspiration, I will be giving away a copy of the "Bachelor's Puzzle" by Judith Pella and 5 fat quarters. (A fat quarter is a piece of fabric 18" X 22" for you non-quilters.)

I hope to inspire non-reading quilters to read; and non-quilting readers to quilt. Make sense?

Here's how to enter:

1. Leave a comment telling me if you read or quilt or both. +1

2. Be a follower and mention it in your comment. +1

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog. +2

I will draw a winner on Tuesday, January 12, 2010.


  1. I read all the time and constantly have at least one book going. I have never tried quilting. Love the look of handmade quilts but am not very crafty at all. Keep hoping to eventually find time to take some classes.


  2. I am always looking for books to read here on this island. So I would definitely love to win your wonderful giveaway.....and I will post about it also...and I am already a follower!! Thanks for this opportunity!!

  3. If you can learn that fast, I should be able to also. I'm an avid reader, but don't quilt, but would love to.

    I just became a follower.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  4. What a cool way to get the quilting bug! I wonder if the local library has a copy of that book? Just in case I don't win :P
    I am an avid reader and a quilter, too.
    I just became a follower!

  5. I'm a follower (Google). Love, love, love reading and used to quilt more but have arthritis in my hands so its hard to do now. I love it and had a fabric collection almost as bad as my TBR stack! My first quilt was a Dresden Plate design, all hand stitched and put together. Used to go to quilting at our church on Weds. with my sister-in-law and really enjoyed it.
    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. Thank you!

    New Years Blessing to All,


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I follow you and I'm a beginning quilter. I haven't read that book but I love reading but have never read a book about a quilt block.

    I hope I win, I off to spread the word.

  8. Hi,
    You have a beautiful blog! Your quilting is amazing!
    I'm looking forward to following :)

  9. I'm an avid reader and quilter. I always enjoy readying books about quilting.

  10. Hi Colletta! What a fantastic giveaway! I am a quilter (found your blog from Cafe Mom's QM group) and an avid reader!!!
    I follow your blog too!

  11. Hi Colletta,

    I love to read....and I've quilted before...maybe this is the inspiration I need to do it again :)

    thanks for this wonderful giveaway.


  12. Hey Colletta!

    What a great giveaway! I'm an avid reader, and a quilter, too.
    About six years ago a precious elderly lady from our church gave my husband and I a quilt for Christmas.
    I loved it so much, she told me she would teach me how to quilt. After going to her house a couple of times,I was hooked!

    I'm a follower, too!


  13. I'm a quilter and a reader. Or at least I was before AppleBlossom. *grin* Now my hands are full with her instead of the sewing machine or books... but I think in a few months that might change. I'm sure she'll still be in my hands plenty, but as she learns to sit up and crawl *gasp* I think she'll say toodleloo mama and I might get at least fifteen minutes here and there. :)


  14. Hi Colletta, Thanks for stopping by my blog!! It brought me here so I signed on to follow your blog. :-) I like your name. :-) We named our daughter Collette but you don't hear it or Colletta very often. My good friend's MIL is Colletta. :-) I love to quilt and also love to read. I just finished a book that my sister gave me and it was so "endearing". That's the only way to describe the book "The Aluminum Christmas Tree." Happy New Year and Happy 100th post!!

  15. Ooooh! another giveaway!
    I love to read, I love to quilt, I follow your blog, and I'll post about this giveaway just now!

    To be honest I need neither more books, or more fabric, but they are my favourite things! Even more favourite than chocolate, though that would come third I suppose!

    PS> and I like your taste in reading material!!

  16. Hi Colletta! I have not read this book yet, would love to win it! I not a quilter, but would love to learn. I see the results of my friends masterpieces, and am quite envious of the talent!
    Happy New Year! Deborah


  17. Oops-forgot to remind you, I am a follower!

  18. I do both; read and quilt. I find I go in spurts with the reading though. I tend to be able to sit the entire day reading and absolutely nothing gets done! So, for a few weeks I hit the library, and when the place is a wreck or hubby complains of too many 'easy' meals, I skip a month or so hehe. I have read Judith Pella books before but not this one....can't imagine it had so strongly encouraged you to quilt...will be anxious to read this one! thanks.

  19. Thank you for visiting and you are welcome for the promo. Congrats on the knitting front- I find it very satisfying...I really don't know why anyone would WANT to knit socks when you get such fun ones in the shops! You should read Micki at Irish Muses about knitting socks, she likes it!

  20. Thanks to Heckety for the link to your blog. I am delighted to meet another person who loves reading and quilting as much as I do. I also love books that inspire readers to try something new.

  21. I love to read and quilt.
    I am a followers and would love to read this book. Thanks for the opportunity. Happy New Year. Deb

  22. Hi Colletta,

    I found out about your blog on the quilting board. I love to read, and I love to quilt, and I am now a follower.

    This is really nice of you to be doing this.


  23. Great giveaway! I love to read and I learn to quilt. I follow and I put your button on my sidebar.

  24. I love to read. Have quilted some but not that good at it, I can do simple things. I have some really old quilts my grandmother made and some tops that need to be made into quilts, but am terrified I will mess them up. Please enter me. I have read the first one and truly enjoyed it. Have this one on my list. I am a new follower. Blessings.

  25. I love to read- I don't quilt. I love to knit-does that count? LOL! I think it might be fun to try. I would like to enter, thanks!

    Carman sent me. :)


  26. I love to read but I don't know how to quilt or even sew! :)
    mannasweeps (at))) gmaildotcom

  27. I follow your blog
    mannasweeps (at))) gmaildotcom

  28. I love to read and to quilt. I have been looking for books on tape to listen to while I sew but they don't have many in our small town library.

  29. I read,sew,quilt & just became a follower of this blog!

  30. Amazing that this book inspired you so much as to make a quilt! I am a reader and mender (not sewer). :O)
    estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com

  31. I used to read a lot, but have not had time to do much reading in years. I am a quilter, and I love your sweet giveaway prize :-) Thanks for entering me!

  32. I love reading. It's the BEST way to escape to another world. And quilting is wonderfully relaxing.

  33. I love to it all the time! I've never learned how to quilt, but I wish I could!

  34. 'm a follower!

  35. I'm a reader, and I don't quilt. Well, my mom is and I sometimes used to help her, but never on my own.

    I'm a new follower. :D

    I mentioned this giveaway on my giveaway blog. (Thanks for letting me know!)

    I love this books SOOOOO much. :D


  36. I would love to win this book. Thanks.

    I read, yes, yes
    I made my daughter a quilt for her graduation.

    Thanks for the giveaway

    I'm a follower also.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  37. I love to read but havent read that book and I have been quilting since I was twelve. A great Aunt made a template for the hexagon for a grand mothers flower garden and that is how I started. It took me 6 years to finish the quilt but I have been quilt since.

  38. I love reading & read 3-5 books a week, and I just started quilting about a year ago & have made 3 (completely) handmade full-sized quilts. I'm a new follower. Thanks for the giveaway!


  39. I love to read and quilt though the quilting has taken a step back over the holidays. Please go to my blog and let me know what you think.

    I hope this is open for overseas readers as I would love to be given an opportunity of winning this book.


  40. I blogged about your book giveaway.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  41. I am an a reader, quilter and crafter.

    I am a new follower.

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  42. I love to read and although I am just getting back to quilting, I love that too!!

    I follow you through Google Reader.

    I posted about your giveaway on my blog

    Thanks so much!!

  43. I have not read that book and just found your blog, I will put you on my google reader.

  44. I'm an avid reader and while I love quilts, I have no sewing ability whatsoever (replacing a button is even a challenge!). However, I have several beautiful quilts that my mother bought for me when I got married and then for my children when they were born.

    I would love to read Bachelor's Puzzle and appreciate the chance to win a copy, Colletta.

    I'm a follower.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  45. i read a lot but i don't know this book or author - i quilt a lot too!


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