
Friday, January 22, 2010

100 Mile Fitness Challege Week 3 Progress Report

This past weekend I hit the 2 week mark. This has continually been a bad point for me in maintaining motivation to exercise.

As you can see below, Saturday and Sunday were duds for me. The good thing is that I recognized it and due to this challenge, I overcame my slump.

If I hadn't been participating in this challenge, I fear that I would have really slacked and dwindled off to no excercise or sporadic exerise once again.

I've been walking 1 mile on the treadmill and on Thursdays going to exercise class with the church ladies for 30 minutes for 2 miles.

I plan to add a (don't laugh!) belling dancing exercise routine called Shimmy a couple days a week to try to rack up some more miles. Shimmy is on the Fitness Channel so I DVR it and then do it when I get a chance. I've done it before and its tons of fun! Everyone should try it!

Here's my weekly progress report.

Week 3:

1/15/10-1 mile
1/16/10- 0 miles
1/17/10- 0 miles
1/18/10- 1 mile
1/19/10- 1 mile
1/20/10- 1 mile
1/21/10- 2 miles
Weekly Total: 6 miles
Running Total: 21 miles

Only 79 miles to go!!

Click here to see my total stats. Click the picture above to see how everyone else is doing with the challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Look at how you regrouped! Great job. It is one step at a time.


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