
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Virtual Christmas Quilt Show

SewCal Gal is hosting a Virtual Christmas Quilt Show on her blog. Here is my entry:

"Aunt Donna's Christmas Carpenter's Wheel"

Here is some info on the Virtual Christmas Quilt Show. Make sure to go to SewCalGals' blog for the full details and to link up.


"...There are so many talented people with beautiful Christmas Projects. I'd love to be able to collect them in a way to allow easy viewing for everyone to enjoy, plus create some holiday fun.

SewCalGal will be collecting prizes for which those that enter this Show will have a chance to win.

If you wish to become a sponsor and donate a prize(s), please email me. I will be updating this post with sponsor info, as appropriate. I will also be posting "Special Announcements" providing visibility on these sponsors via my other blog where I share insights on contests, giveaways & special announcements:

But for now, SewCalGal will be donating a surprise box of goodies that will include four (4) yards of fabric.

This Show will close on December 25th, and a winner will be selected. We may also have more winners, if more sponsors donate prizes. Winner(s) will be selected using a random number generator..."

I hope to see your Christmas quilts, too!


  1. Beautiful Christmas Quilt. I love it. Thank you for sharing it with everyone via the Virtual Christmas Quilt Show. I'm happy to report I've already added one sponsor today, and anticipate more.

    Have a very Merry Christmas!


  2. Hey, I've made that same quilt! Mine doesn't look quite like that, since I made a boo boo that I didn't notice until after everything was said and done.

  3. Wow this is so beautiful. I just found out about the Virtual Christmas Quilt show. Yours looks great!

  4. Beautiful! I love the pattern done in the Christmas fabrics.

  5. I like it! Very festive...

  6. So pretty. I have always liked that block. It's such fun finding new quilting blogs with Christmas items!

  7. Nicely done. The quilt looks like it would be a nice size to hang on a wall.

  8. How lovely to have something a family member made, especially at Christmas. It will always me a great memento.

  9. I love tradition Christmas colors and the trend towards big block quilts

    your quilt is very pretty, how big is it?

  10. Your quilt is beautiful! Thank you for sharing it!


  11. beautiful quilt - thank you for sharing!


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