
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Sewing Accomplishments Today

I got some sewing done while my Cinnamon Rolls were rising. Just a few things that got pushed onto the back burner until Christmas was over.

This is a Panda Baby Quilt for a friend at Church. It is a cheater panel and all I had to do was find a coordinating border in my stash and sew it one. I've never quilted a panel before so it ought to be interesting and fun. It think this is one of the cutest quilts I've ever seen and just might have to get more of the fabric to make myself one.

This little Doll Quilt is for a Doll Quilt Exchange on January has a theme of your city, state, country, etc. I live not too far from Pittsburgh, PA and had some fabric left from the tote I made. I still need to quilt it.

This is a International Round Robin center from I'm a little late sending this one out but I finally got it done. I put a basic border on it but thought it lent well with the fabric pattern and the busyness of the center.

I also washed fabric for a Chocolate/Raspberry Block Swap that I'm coordinating on the I'll post pictures of that later.

Wow, I feel like I got a lot accomplished today. Maybe now I can get in the shower!


  1. I really love the panda blanket. It's so cute.

  2. Thanks for posting the pictures of your quilts, and you inspire me to get busy and make something beautiful too. My 10 year old granddaughter is here with me, and she loves your panda quilt too. She got a sewing machine for Christmas, so it was great fun to see your neat projects. I think you inspired her too.

    I received the book "Angels for Christmas" from you in the mail today, thank you so much! I can't wait to start reading it.

    Happy New Year!

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