
Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Angel Earrings

I participated in an International Gift Exchange hosted by Linda at Craftaholics Anonymous. The exchange was of handmade gifts.

Jasmin at Hey its me... sent me these cute, cute, cute angel earrings. I got them in the mail right before I headed off to my daughter's Christmas Play at school. They were the perfect finishing touch to wear.

Here's Kaylee at her play. I snuck all the way up to the front and got a great picture of her.

Thanks, Jasmin!!!


  1. Those are some super cute earrings! And perfect timing! Thanks for linking up so that we could check out your darling angel earrings :)
    Happy Holidays!

  2. What CUTE angel earrings you have here...your daughter is a CUTIE too! Hope you and your family have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  3. Those are darling earrings! Love the bag- love most bags! And thank you for the Tamara Leigh review, I've added the book to my Amazon Wish List...great thing the Amazon Wish List!!!


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