
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Book Review: "Montana Rose" by Mary Connealy

Book 1 of the Montana Marriages Series

Product Description (from Amazon):
Christian novelist Connealy (Petticoat Ranch) writes to tickle the funny bone and tease heartstrings with the first in her newest series, Montana Marriages. In the Montana Territory of 1875, sweet and naïve Cassie Griffin's abusive husband dies, leaving Cassie no choice but to choose a new husband the same day she buries her first. With women scarce and lawlessness abounding, Cassie reluctantly agrees to marry Red Dawson, also reluctant, who offers to marry her only to save her from an immoral scoundrel who's been stalking her for months. Immediately traveling to Red's ranch, Cassie realizes how little she knows about life, love and faith. In turn, Red quickly realizes how brutalized his new wife was by her first husband. Slowly, sometimes painstakingly so, Cassie learns to trust her instincts and begins to blossom.

My overall feeling of the book:
At first I really rebelled at the amount of submissiveness the heroine displayed. But then, I loved how Red “ordered” her to be sassy and speak her mind. There were some very interesting things that happened because Cassie was so set on “obeying”. I enjoyed reading of Cassie’s transformation from a “china doll” to an independent, mind-speaking woman of strength.

My Favorite Character:
My favorite character was Red. Oh, that all men were like him. He was just about perfect. Sigh...

My Favorite Scene:
My favorite scene was the whole process of the baby being born. Especially Cassie’s desperate need to mop the dirt floor and the way Red was so panicky and jumped to follow Cassie’s orders. I thought it was hilarious and yet so realistic. It definitely took me back to my time of labor and delivery, but in a good way!

It Would Have Been Better If:
This might seem piddly, but I always enjoy figuring out why a book is titled what it is. I kept waiting for the “aha” moment when I finally figured it out. The Montana part was easy enough. It took place in Montana, duh. The Rose part however was a different story. Roses weren’t mentioned in the flower variety and the only other reference even close (that I saw, anyway) was the milk cow’s name being “Rosie”! Hmm?

Who Would I Recommend This Book To?:
Historical fiction fans, especially western historicals. Women who are pregnant or have been pregnant will enjoy mirroring our symptoms. Women who are independent-minded will enjoy Cassie’s awakening.

9/10. Fantastic. I couldn’t put it down.

If you would like to purchase this book, click here.


  1. Thank you- another one for my wish list...I'm not entirely sure whether you are a good influence on me...?????
    It seems to me though that this is a genre of fiction writing we are missing here, perhaps that's why I like the sound of these books.


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