
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Baking Cookies With the Hubby

My dear hubby broke his foot falling from his tree stand while hunting.

He is now so bored, that I got him to make cookies with me.

We have been married for almost 10 years and this is a first. I just had to document it.

We made Orange Dream Cookies. I got the recipe from Ducks In A Row.

I put a little orange food coloring in just to give it more of a dreamcicle color. They were a hit.
Believe me. When hubby actually says that he likes something, it must be good.

BTW, I absolutely love my Pampered Chef scoop and cooling racks.


  1. The cookies look really good. So nice of your husband to help. Hope his foot heals quickly. Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. The cookies look yummy, and hope you both enjoyed them Happy Holiday!

  3. The cookies look yummy, and hope you both enjoyed them Happy Holiday!

  4. Well, sorry he broke his foot, but maybe he won't make you wait another 10 years before he does it again? Looks like it was fun!


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