
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Evening Glance at the Week Ahead 11/22/09

These are the highlights of the week ahead. (Boy, isn't that sad.) This doesn't include my everyday tasks such as dishes, cooking, devotions, exercise, showering, etc.

Clean: Kitchen, Dining Room, Sewing Room, Family Room
Mop: Kitchen, Dining Room, Family Room

Clean: Kaylee's Bedroom, Laken's Bedroom, Hall Bathroom
Laundry: Finish
Christmas Book Giveaway #2 @ 12pm.

Clean: Our Bedroom, Our Bathroom

Menu Planning for next 2 weeks

Parent/Teacher Conference (not sure what time yet)

Prayer Meeting/Bible Study @ 7pm

Thanksgiving Day!

Dinner at Mom & Dad's @ 1pm

Girls Sleepover at Gram & Pap's

Black Friday Shopping @ 5am

Balance Checking Account
Write out Bills
Grocery Shopping
First Place 4 Health Meeting @ 8am
Sunday School @ 9am
Church Services @ 10am
Choir Practice @ 11:30am
Soup and Sandwich Luncheon @ 12pm
Sunday Afternoon Nap
Coffee Break @ 6pm
What does your week look like?

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