
Monday, November 30, 2009

Stringing Up the Lights

It has become our tradition to put the outside decorations and lights up the weekend aftre Thanksgiving. Saturday was a beautiful day so it was a great day to spend outside.

My dear husband, Doug, braved the wind and put the lights on the house. The girls and I were the cheering section with an occasional job of handing more lights up the ladder. Have I mentioned how much I love this man?

My mom and dad dropped by and I was in a picture taking mood. My dad is 6'2" and my mom comes in at 4'10". They are perfect for each other.

The girls "took a break" to jump on the trampoline. My little own does a good job of beating up her big sister.

This was taken during the scooter riding exhibition. Who knew riding a scooter could be so dangerous that softball helmets need to be worn? They were having a blast.

Thanks for looking! Have you put up your lights yet?


  1. Nope,
    Haven't gotten to that, yet.

  2. Looks like you had a great time! Its nice to see photos of your family. About hats...our eldest always wore the colander when she 'rode' the rocking horse...I'd say your girls are completely normal!

  3. Adorable! Your sweet husband, your cute parents and your totally adorable girls. And no, our lights aren't up just yet...does he get credit for having the box sitting right outside the front door for three days now ;) Cute blog and great posts and photos, I've really enjoyed my visit here, today!


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