
Thursday, November 26, 2009


In order to wish you all a "Happy Thanksgiving", I will be having a very special giveaway that will only last for today. Yes, only today. And the book is:

Bon Appetit by Sandra Byrd

This book is all about food and baking and lots of yummy goodies. It is set in France but it is about an American who is studying abroad and has to deal with being away from home. She realizes what she is truly thankful for and what is important. Things we should be thinking about on this special holiday.

I've loved the first two books in the French Twist series and can't wait to read Piece de Resistance. I featured this book on my Teaser Tuesday post.

I also will include a recipe postcard that Sandra sent me. The recipe is for "Easy Caramel Latte Cake". mmmm...

Here are some ways you can have your name entered:

1. Leave a comment telling me what your favorite Thanksgiving food is. 1 entry

2. Be a follower or become a follower of my blog. 3 entries

3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and let me know that you did. 5 entries

4. If we hit 26 (because its Nov. 26th) or more participants by the deadline, everyone who blogged about this giveaway will get 3 more enteries.

That's a possible 12 enteries. Let's have some fun with this giveaway!

This giveaway ends Thanksgiving Day at 9pm (EST) so hurry up and enter!


  1. I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving since I moved to Ireland over 13 years ago. My favorite think about the holiday was being with people I loved, but I did love the turkey and stuffing. It was just all around great fun! I just became a follower too, and I hope that we get to know each other. Thanks for the giveaway...what a lovely way to celebrate Thanksgiving. It did bring back a lot of memories.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving:)
    My favorite food this time of year or holiday is my mother n laws baked beans:))

  3. I am now a follower:) Thanks for this chance to win a good book:)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving...

    My favourite Thanksgiving food is apple pie...or anything w/ cranberries in in.

    Blessings to all!


  5. Happy Thanksgiving. My favorite food at Thanksgiving is turkey!


    PS - I have a giveaway drawing today too! Drawing will be after dinner, later this evening!

  6. I'm a new follower! Yay!

    My favorite food of Thanksgiving is of course...pie! I love pretty much any kind of pie! I also like to make a pumpkin mousse that goes really well with ginger snaps!

    I'd love to win this book! I have Piece de Resistance but haven't read it because I need the first 2 LOL!

    Happy Thanksgiving!



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