
Friday, November 20, 2009

Grace Like Rain...

It has been rainy here in good old Pennsylvania. Soppy and wet with the dogs tracking mud in not to mention the hit my curly hair takes as I run and in out of the post office or dollar store.

But, I love walking in the rain. The ideal would be to have a little warmer temperature than it is now though. It reminds me of a picture I came across this summer when it was hot and humid. As I looked at the picture, I could almost feel the rain drizzling on my face. I could feel the relief that it brought from the hot day.

Then I thought how the words are so appropriate. Because of grace, I can also feel relief. Relief from guilt and fear. In a word: forgiveness.


So, my questions is: Do you like to walk in the rain? Or what gives you the quiet, peaceful feeling that we all strive for?


  1. I love walking in the rain. I don't like the first moments of rain because it always seems to be a little smelly at first. But after that rain has poured for a while...I just love it! It would be nice to enjoy it more, but truly it does seem that I am always going to or from somewhere when it hits.

  2. Thanks for stopping by-I have not heard of that book-but will read it.

  3. Thanks for stopping by-I have not heard of that book-but will read it.


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